Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ebooks to Paper

For several years, I purchased mostly ebooks and audiobooks (at least when it comes to fiction--I've always preferred my game books in print). But after seeing how much Batgirl continued to enjoy print books after being an early ebook supporter, too, I tried an analog paper book about 6 months ago. And you know what? It was magic.

Since then, I've stepped off the ebook revolution bus. I've been reading mostly paper novels, as I did before there was such a thing as ebooks; witness my already overflowing shelves, pictured above. Anyway, reading in analog has continued to be amazing. I recommend it. If you've found yourself reading less lately, try a paper novel for fifteen minutes. Nothing is quite so relaxing and stress deflating as reading a solid, physical book.

Of course, this is just one annecdotal report. It turns out, though, there is quite a bit of evidence behind the idea that reading paper books has advantages over e-reading.

(Aside: You know what goes great with paper novels? Light, my friends. Like this little clip-on book lamp. Instead of putting reading lamps behind the couch, behind my favorite chair, and next to the bed, I just clip the lamp to the book. I know, I know, lots of you already do this. I USED to do this years ago. But I got out of the habit; lost my old clip-on lamp. This is just a reminder to those of you, like me, who may have forgot some of the joy reading print can bring.)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kickstarter By The Numbers

87: the number of Kickstarter campaigns I've backed.

6: The number of Kickstarter campaigns I pledged that failed to fund (so I guess I didn't back those).

2: The number of Kickstarter campaigns I pledged that are still in their funding stage.

12: The number of Kickstarter campaigns I pledged that haven't yet reached their promised delivery date (or are within the 6 month grace period I give all KS rewards before I begin to seriously wonder).

67: The number of Kickstarter campaigns I backed that I should have received a reward for by now...

59: The number of Kickstarter campaigns I pledged out of 67 for which I DID receive the promised reward. Not bad, all things considered. The very first one I backed was Diaspora (which failed to deliver rewards), an open-source alternative to Facebook ;).