Friday, March 5, 2021

Allergy Season, Again!


Hey folks!

Allergy season begins, for me, at the beginning of March. Of course, it can't really be the beginning of March again, can it? I mean, it was just a few short months/years/decades ago when March rolled around in 2020…

Oh, right.

So, here we are, a year into the pandemic and it’s time for me to once again pull out the Zyrtec. Though I was a little too late in doing so, as last night I must have been rubbing my irritated eyes in my sleep or dozing state and managed to poke one. This morning, in addition to my eyes watering because of allergies, one of my eyes is watering because I poked it.

Yay, March!

Anyway, time to drop Chapter 19 for Ark of Broken Dreams to my Patrons on Patreon. In it, we rejoin Kit Dawes, FBMA agent who discovered the government building where she goes to work has a secret bunker. A secret bunker where a strange woman called Hathezar has apparently been living since the place was sealed away over sixty years ago.

[Photo by Nadiya Ploschenko on Unsplash]

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