Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Photography Decoupled From Reality


Greetings, Earthlings!

We've entered the era of photos no longer being proof of anything. With some new features offered by my phone, I can include mostly realistic-looking changes to a base photo that are anything but real. Like, this entirely fictitious cute kitten shown in the photo above. I assure you, there is no such kitten here.

I've also given our dog a faux tiger cub companion, added weird purple spiders to my desk, and called down alien landing ships to investigate the front yard. The latter is something I've wanted to pull off for decades, harkening back to when I was a kid with a film camera--I taped pieces of paper cut like saucers to my bedroom window, then took a photo of the sky. The result was blurry images of flying saucers in the sky.

Hmm, well, I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm afraid I don't have a hot take on the topic other than "I guess we'll see where this all goes."

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